09-09-2016, 04:44 PM
Re: Madden NFL 17 Impressions
The difference to me between this madden and past years is i felt like Madden wasn't quite up to par. I feel like this years is. It just doesn't do anything that mind blowing. I think since 15 the formula has been pretty clear. The game had a good base and they just built on it where stuff is in this game like balancing and special teams and enough different stuff, that really should have been years ago. Yay I can block field goals now. It's fairly well implemented and realistic too. I can change my punts too and do cool stuff like breaking tackles with the press of a button. Amazingly awesome and I can't believe it.
This is what a major developer should release every time imo and then build on this. Instead what we get each gen is a dumbed down port from last gen that removes features then they add to it until it gets good around the 3rd or 4th iteration. Marketing yes but this is what EA does. It gets slightly better each year seemingly but every gen is the same where the last couple maddens of each gen are usually solid games with no real complaints minus this that they never go beyond that. Yeah the game improves each year, but the series never seemingly takes that extra leap.
I've been playing this game since the first one. It's always this way...
Madden 17, Nice crisp graphics and gameplay. Nice features and bells and whistles. Good modes and presentation. I'm mainly a gameplay and presentation guy and don't play alot of the extra modes just pick up games and franchise sometimes but nice to have. Some legacy issues but most things have been ironed out except a couple glaring ones. I figure 18 will get it all done but then its back to square one and dealing with the same crap for another 5 years until EA never does anything to change that.
I'm not going to buy 18 for that and a few bug fixes and so Madden can add a halftime show I skip through anyways. I got 15 because that was a pretty good jump from the initial madden release and this one on ps4. I also upgraded my madden when i got a ps4 which was at release just to have the clear graphics. So I had 25 and 15 and this one. That's more than enough EA for what amounts to what I get in 17. I really should just wait but this is what EA does otherwise I'm playing last gen madden for 5 years until they get good.
Front page sports used to have a really good legacy mode but Madden is just madden. It's a good game and does a lot of things well particularly this year I feel like it's what it should be. I just wish they'd go that extra mile sometimes. Maybe in 18 although I feel like by the time that comes out it will be the same ho hum affair.
8.5 out of 10 although previous iterations didn't deserve that. 15 and 25 as far as longevity really aren't that great. 25 was probably a 6.5 and 15 was a 7.5. Good solid game but had some issues with it. Instead reviewers give this game an 8 every year when 25 was such a crap shoot as far as speeded up play on steroids. It took them this long to just get their gameplay right where it feels like a sim. This is what Madden should be though. Fun gameplay with sim elements and good all around game at it's core. It satisfies a lot of different players but could be better. It's basically the same game I've been playing but just has mostly everything up to par this year.
Last edited by celtics6; 09-09-2016 at 05:41 PM.