09-16-2016, 12:27 PM
Re: OhMrHanky's Zero Sliders - Ratings Matter (Madden 17)
Yeah, I really liked what I saw in last game. Played the redskins who beat me in playoffs 2 seasons ago. I saw cousins throw some good balls and some balls in the dirt which was nice. Overall, I won 31-30. They got a safety on me. That makes 3 times I've been safety'd this season!!! It feels impossible to run out of the end zone. But, whatever. I still won. AND, the CPU INT to 46 really did the trick for me. The ball was def thrown more to Julio. But, this time, instead of bs Ints, there were some nice dive and swat attempts that felt more realistic to me. Only negative from this particular game, cousins fumbled 6 times!!! Lol. I recovered 4 including a 90+ yard return for TD. Lol. But, they were realistic enough. I haven't seen major fumbling lately, so hoping it was a fluke game. It's only 1 game, but, I noticed an instant improvement in my QB throws.
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