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Old 09-21-2016, 02:09 PM   #6224
Cupcake Coach
R1zzo23's Arena
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Join Date: Jul 2005
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Re: How is your dynasty going

I was thinking of starting a new dynasty and am struggling to decide if I should take a lower level team in the game or just go Team Builder and create a cupcake school and build them up. I know a lot of the pros and cons between the two, with going the Team Builder route having more cons than playing with a school already in the game.

I am pretty handy with the editor and know how to go in and use it to manipulate the dynasty accordingly, but I think creating my own school and starting my own traditions would be pretty cool with players that don't really exist.

Any thoughts on what I should do? If you think I should take a lower level school already in the game, which do you think and why? There's a distinct possibility that I would document it here at OS to keep it going since it looks like this is the last NCAA game for quite some time, so maybe a team that isn't involved in a long standing dynasty here on the boards. Any input is welcomed!
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