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Old 09-27-2016, 07:12 PM   #32
SirGaryColeman's Arena
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Join Date: Oct 2015
Re: Trading yourself mid-season 100% breaks MyCareer story.

Originally Posted by MoodMuzik
The story he paid for? We all knew the story, you get 2 players on your team. One is named Justice Winslow and the other Devin. And they are the focal point of the story. Did this slip by anyone?
It's Justice Young and Denver, not "winslow" and "devin," so I'm not sure why you're even in this thread if you don't play MyCareer.

And in case it slipped by you, watch the commercial: It says in all caps "CHOOSE YOUR OWN PATH" in the commercial

Just because people screw you over, doesn't mean you have to make excuses for them so you don't feel like you got screwed over (you did).
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