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Old 10-02-2016, 01:50 AM   #29
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Join Date: Dec 2015
Re: For those still saying playmakers are not op....

Originally Posted by Tstone77
This game is based on NBA. So the shooting percentages should reflect that. If you have a awesome game you may still be able to shoot 50-60% prior to the tweak sharpshooters were ignoring defense and shooting whatever they wanted, from wherever they wanted. You even arguing for shooting 60% is ridiculous.

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Again your point is valid if only the 450 best 2k players in the world played against each other. In that case the competition level would be insanely high and 60 percent would be ridiculous. There are millions and millions of 2K players. The real life example would be Curry rolling up into your local Rec center. You arguing that Curry couldn't shoot 60% percent against a team of 5 randomly picked players from anyone who plays basketball on any level worldwide is ridiculous.
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