
For those still saying playmakers are not op....

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Old 10-02-2016, 01:19 AM   #25
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Re: For those still saying playmakers are not op....

Originally Posted by Tstone77
You can be steph curry...he shoots at 44% from 3...check your facts

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Facts is that that is in the NBA with the 450 best players in the world. There is no NBA community of 2k per say. In the park/pro-am you have millions of players. This is equivalent to their being a combined pool of all levels in real life (elementary, high school, college, NBA, legends, etc.) Your point is invalid unless the sharpshooters on 2K are shooting 60% only playing against the top 450 2K players. So you're telling me that if curry played competitively against a pool of randomly assorted high schoolers, college kids, ameteurs, etc. that he couldn't shoot 60%? Please.

These NBA references are frustrating me more than anything on this board in terms of Park/Pro-Am. People are forgetting that the NBA is the 450 best players, the park is millions upon millions of randoms. This witch-hunt has to end. All of the forums by players not in the NBA of 2K, per say, trying to level the playing field by overall nerfing. It's like telling Steph, okay you're going to play with abunch of high schoolers, so you can't shoot 3s and you have to play with one of your arms tied behind your back. I'm sorry, but I'm feeling like the devs are straying off of the path of creating a "skill gap", and I for one do not like it. If you are a "witchhunter", please take responsibility with yourself before you start flooding forums begging for a leveled playing field.
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Old 10-02-2016, 01:28 AM   #26
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Re: For those still saying playmakers are not op....

Originally Posted by lowsingles
Facts is that that is in the NBA with the 450 best players in the world. There is no NBA community of 2k per say. In the park/pro-am you have millions of players. This is equivalent to their being a combined pool of all levels in real life (elementary, high school, college, NBA, legends, etc.) Your point is invalid unless the sharpshooters on 2K are shooting 60% only playing against the top 450 2K players. So you're telling me that if curry played competitively against a pool of randomly assorted high schoolers, college kids, ameteurs, etc. that he couldn't shoot 60%? Please.

These NBA references are frustrating me more than anything on this board in terms of Park/Pro-Am. People are forgetting that the NBA is the 450 best players, the park is millions upon millions of randoms. This witch-hunt has to end. All of the forums by players not in the NBA of 2K, per say, trying to level the playing field by overall nerfing. It's like telling Steph, okay you're going to play with abunch of high schoolers, so you can't shoot 3s and you have to play with one of your arms tied behind your back. I'm sorry, but I'm feeling like the devs are straying off of the path of creating a "skill gap", and I for one do not like it. If you are a "witchhunter", please take responsibility with yourself before you start flooding forums begging for a leveled playing field.
This game is based on NBA. So the shooting percentages should reflect that. If you have a awesome game you may still be able to shoot 50-60% prior to the tweak sharpshooters were ignoring defense and shooting whatever they wanted, from wherever they wanted. You even arguing for shooting 60% is ridiculous.

Against the Bum teams you'll hit 50-60. Against higher competition you'll hit 30-40. The analogy still fits. Also I highly doubt that Steph Curry would hit 6 out of 10 shots, especially if he's restricted to the three, on any basketball player that is elite amongst their peers. You guys over rate this man too much.

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Last edited by Tstone77; 10-02-2016 at 01:51 AM.
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Old 10-02-2016, 01:28 AM   #27
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Re: For those still saying playmakers are not op....

Originally Posted by lowsingles
Facts is that that is in the NBA with the 450 best players in the world. There is no NBA community of 2k per say. In the park/pro-am you have millions of players. This is equivalent to their being a combined pool of all levels in real life (elementary, high school, college, NBA, legends, etc.) Your point is invalid unless the sharpshooters on 2K are shooting 60% only playing against the top 450 2K players. So you're telling me that if curry played competitively against a pool of randomly assorted high schoolers, college kids, ameteurs, etc. that he couldn't shoot 60%? Please.

These NBA references are frustrating me more than anything on this board in terms of Park/Pro-Am. People are forgetting that the NBA is the 450 best players, the park is millions upon millions of randoms. This witch-hunt has to end. All of the forums by players not in the NBA of 2K, per say, trying to level the playing field by overall nerfing. It's like telling Steph, okay you're going to play with abunch of high schoolers, so you can't shoot 3s and you have to play with one of your arms tied behind your back. I'm sorry, but I'm feeling like the devs are straying off of the path of creating a "skill gap", and I for one do not like it. If you are a "witchhunter", please take responsibility with yourself before you start flooding forums begging for a leveled playing field.
They should have different sliders for park. Instead there trying to please everyone from every game mode into one set of sliders

Last edited by Cuabnito187; 10-02-2016 at 01:33 AM.
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Old 10-02-2016, 01:32 AM   #28
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Re: For those still saying playmakers are not op....

Originally Posted by lowsingles
Facts is that that is in the NBA with the 450 best players in the world. There is no NBA community of 2k per say. In the park/pro-am you have millions of players. This is equivalent to their being a combined pool of all levels in real life (elementary, high school, college, NBA, legends, etc.) Your point is invalid unless the sharpshooters on 2K are shooting 60% only playing against the top 450 2K players. So you're telling me that if curry played competitively against a pool of randomly assorted high schoolers, college kids, ameteurs, etc. that he couldn't shoot 60%? Please.

These NBA references are frustrating me more than anything on this board in terms of Park/Pro-Am. People are forgetting that the NBA is the 450 best players, the park is millions upon millions of randoms. This witch-hunt has to end. All of the forums by players not in the NBA of 2K, per say, trying to level the playing field by overall nerfing. It's like telling Steph, okay you're going to play with abunch of high schoolers, so you can't shoot 3s and you have to play with one of your arms tied behind your back. I'm sorry, but I'm feeling like the devs are straying off of the path of creating a "skill gap", and I for one do not like it. If you are a "witchhunter", please take responsibility with yourself before you start flooding forums begging for a leveled playing field.

Great analogy bro

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Old 10-02-2016, 01:50 AM   #29
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Re: For those still saying playmakers are not op....

Originally Posted by Tstone77
This game is based on NBA. So the shooting percentages should reflect that. If you have a awesome game you may still be able to shoot 50-60% prior to the tweak sharpshooters were ignoring defense and shooting whatever they wanted, from wherever they wanted. You even arguing for shooting 60% is ridiculous.

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Again your point is valid if only the 450 best 2k players in the world played against each other. In that case the competition level would be insanely high and 60 percent would be ridiculous. There are millions and millions of 2K players. The real life example would be Curry rolling up into your local Rec center. You arguing that Curry couldn't shoot 60% percent against a team of 5 randomly picked players from anyone who plays basketball on any level worldwide is ridiculous.
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Old 10-02-2016, 02:01 AM   #30
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Re: For those still saying playmakers are not op....

Originally Posted by lowsingles
Again your point is valid if only the 450 best 2k players in the world played against each other. In that case the competition level would be insanely high and 60 percent would be ridiculous. There are millions and millions of 2K players. The real life example would be Curry rolling up into your local Rec center. You arguing that Curry couldn't shoot 60% percent against a team of 5 randomly picked players from anyone who plays basketball on any level worldwide is ridiculous.
This does not compute with me. I understand what you're trying to say but you can't compare the two because in 2K terms, there are far more 80-90 rated players than there are 50-60 rated players, so it's not Steph Curry rolling into a Rec center playing a bunch of scrubs, it's Steph Curry rolling into a Rec center playing against other decent/NBA level ballers with the ratings system.

So thus, with the right defense and being able to lock him down, he should shoot to realistic standards. If you have that type of player and he faces someone who doesn't know how to defend him, then he can shoot lights out as it already happens in game. You can't compare reality and 2K in a sample size like that because in reality, you can't just purchase VC to be able to be 86 overall automatically nor can you equip badges that make you able to defend it (wouldn't that be nice though?).
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Old 10-02-2016, 02:06 AM   #31
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Re: For those still saying playmakers are not op....

Originally Posted by lowsingles
Again your point is valid if only the 450 best 2k players in the world played against each other. In that case the competition level would be insanely high and 60 percent would be ridiculous. There are millions and millions of 2K players. The real life example would be Curry rolling up into your local Rec center. You arguing that Curry couldn't shoot 60% percent against a team of 5 randomly picked players from anyone who plays basketball on any level worldwide is ridiculous.
30 or 40 percent tops. Especially if we're talking at a random rec center. You get the top 5 guys from an area and restrict curry to the three. I guarantee he doesn't make that much.

1.) Alot of Recs(at least the ones I go to) don't play that 2016 softie NBA stuff, so unless he crosses someone he going to have dudes breathing in his carbon dioxide

2.) Defense is an effort, more than it is a skill. So get some guys motivated and they'll stop him.

3.) Stop hyping this man!

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Old 10-02-2016, 04:11 AM   #32
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Re: For those still saying playmakers are not op....

Originally Posted by Tstone77
30 or 40 percent tops. Especially if we're talking at a random rec center. You get the top 5 guys from an area and restrict curry to the three. I guarantee he doesn't make that much.

1.) Alot of Recs(at least the ones I go to) don't play that 2016 softie NBA stuff, so unless he crosses someone he going to have dudes breathing in his carbon dioxide

2.) Defense is an effort, more than it is a skill. So get some guys motivated and they'll stop him.

3.) Stop hyping this man!

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Sorry, but you dont think curry could make space on some random guys who were college level at best?
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