Thread: Coach Mode
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Old 01-15-2017, 09:23 PM   #5
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Re: Coach Mode

Originally Posted by jello1717
This is one of the main reasons why I use AutoPass Coach Mode (APCM) instead of True Coach Mode (TCM). With APCM your scrambler won't take off unless you player lock on someone else, which I almost never ever do. That way I can recruit the 85+ SPD QBs to run my option plays and have him still throw the ball when I call pass plays rather than tucking and running all the time. If you still want him to take off and scramble if he so chooses, you can always playerlock on a lineman and then he'll have the chance to scramble just like he does in TCM.

As for the OP:
I can't stand the sideways broadcast cam with TCM so that's the other main reason why I play APCM.

Regardless of the mode (TCM, APCM, normal mode) I highly suggest watching autosims of your FGs/punts. In TCM, for FGs your kicker will never, ever miss unless it's too far for him. If you only attempt FGs within his range, he'll make 100% of them, which isn't realistic.

There are some plays that get bugged. IE. there are some runs/options from the Pistol where the HB is supposed to put his belly on the QB's hands to take the handoff, but instead he'll put his belly on the QB's elbows so that he can't get the handoff. When this happens, the QB will just stand there for a second. In TCM, I think he just stands there and waits to be tackled. In APCM you can take control of the QB and try to get something out of the buggy play.

In TCM the QB usually throws WR mid screens and bubble screens too late, making them ineffective. In APCM I manually throw these screens when they should be, and then let the CPU take over after the catch so it's still coach mode, only with me throwing the ball when it's supposed to be thrown.

In TCM on defense you can't hot route any players other than the 1 you control (I think it's MLB2 in 3-4 and RE in 4-3). In APCM you can hot route anyone you want. I don't hot route often, but sometimes I'll change a hook zone or blitzer to QB spy. I'll also sometimes spread my cover 2 deep zones and then hot route a deep zone between them, turning a cover 2 into a cover 3. If I suspect a screen I'll sometimes hot route a blitzer to a flat zone on the HB's side.
You can't do any of those things with TCM, but can with APCM.
How do you run option plays with APCM? Won't the QB always keep it on a read option, for example?
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