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Old 02-06-2017, 09:09 PM   #2
All Star
jello1717's Arena
OVR: 16
Join Date: Feb 2006
Re: Recruiting Question

Originally Posted by wings95
I was recruit t a CB from Louisiana, for the first five weeks my Sooners were number one. UCLA number two. I was between 1000-1200 points ahead. Week 6 all of a sudden I am loceked out. Strange since I was the only offer this guy had. I look at the pitches and play style went from B to a D+. I use a custom made 4-3 that is multiple. For weeks 6-13 I am still number one but locked out. By the way his other pitches were academics which OU was a B- and pro potential which I was a A+. Week 14 the Rajen Cagens offer and gain 900 points. My play style and theirs were identical. Week 14 my play style pitch goes to a C+. Weeks 6-14 I change my D play styles and I still can't get unlocked. He ended up going to "LA Tech. Anyone know how to keep
this from happening in the future?
First I'll tell you why it happened.
Second I'll tell you how you can try to legitimately fix it.
Third I'll tell you how you can cheat the game to "fix" it. I highly recommend that you don't do this as it's cheap as hell, but it's your game so why should I care how you play it?

1. Play style has nothing to do with your playbook. It's all about stats. IE. a scrambler QB only cares about QB rushing yards, a pocket passer only cares about QB passing yards, and a balanced QB cares about the sum of both.

For your corner example, it's based on his type. Coverage guys only care about CB INTs, I believe hard hitters care about CB tackles (I'm not 100% sure on this), and balanced CBs care about the sum of both.

You can find out who wants what under the team pitches screen (or whatever it's called); the one that lists all of your school's pitches (IE. academic prestige, pro potential, etc). It tells you what stats you need for each type of player.

2. To fix this legitimately, get more of the stats you need. If it was a coverage CB, then get more picks by CBs. If it was a hard hitter, get more tackles (or whatever it is). etc.

Favorite Teams:
College #1: Michigan Wolverines
College #2: Michigan State Spartans (my alma mater)
College #3: North Carolina Tar Heels
NHL: Detroit Redwings
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