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Old 02-07-2017, 11:22 AM   #8
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Re: cornerbacks getting beat for speed

Originally Posted by charlieinwhite
had a game against the ps4 where my cornerback was getting beat for speed constantly in man to man plays, constantly.
it was cover 2 man so saftey help would have been there had they not sprinted past him.
his opponent was just a smidgen faster, 93 against 91 but, would be 5 steps clear on rothlisbergers bombs, man cover 88 awareness in the 80s so i wouldn't expect that much difference, so often.
speed parity was at 70, tried another game with it at 90 but with the same results.
should i have this at zero?
gameplay sliders are default, i'm reading that's what most are using this year so, should i just get used corners being unable to cover in man or is the cpu just being cheesy?
First off, we need to address the fact that your CB will often "press" the X receiver, even if you don't manually do so pre-snap. Therefore, you are vulnerable to a 9 or streak route.

What works for me most of the time is to make sure I select coverage assignments pre-snap and play my corners over the top. You will see a brief press animation and then the corner will employ a "bail" technique. I strongly recommend that you employ cover 1 hole-align and press corners-play bail coverage, rather than continuing to play man under. I will also sometimes play outside leverage which will give a brief press animation as your CB will turn and run with the receiver more quickly. I highly recommend using that technique when playing cover 2 zone defenses.

I play on All Pro with user defeated sliders only evenly disbursed at a total of -50 points with cpu points on default and speed disparity scale set @ 25. Hope this helps. Good Luck.

Last edited by edgevoice; 02-13-2017 at 06:09 PM. Reason: additional info
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