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Old 02-09-2017, 08:24 AM   #1
Junior Moe
Junior Moe's Arena
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Join Date: Jul 2009
How would you build your perfect NBA 2K?

I was buying a build a bear for my wife for Valentiens day and I got to thinking; How would I build my "perfect" 2K from 2K's past?

Shooting: NBA 2K11. In 2K11 shooting was smooth and quick. Players didn't float or move. I could run to a spot pretty much anywhere outside the paint and effortlessly pull up.

Defense: NBA 2K15. I was able to lock people down in that one. It's the last one defense felt both fun and rewarding to me.

Passing: NBA 2K12 was the best here. It felt like I had more precision and the passes weren't as floaty.

Dribbling: NBA2k12's dribbling was the overall best. I could actually break people down. The live ball physics added a risk/reward that I personally found enjoyable. The dribbles also had more personality to them i that makes sense.

Presentation: NBA 2K14. 2K11 was great with the in game adverting of upcoming games. But 2K14 overall package was better. That one was the pinnacle of Damon Bruce. 2K7's halftime show with "Kenny's Stamp of Approval" was also a fave of mine.

Player Movement: I gotta go with NBA2K14 NG here. Offensively I could get anywhere. I was just playing it the other day and going back to 2K17 offensive players feel clumsy while defenders are sticky. I can't just cross a guy up, drive the paint, watch the D collapse and smoothly kick it out.

MyCareer: I have never been a big MyCareer guy but I have gotten into a bit more with 2k17. I completed the story in 2k16 and dropped it soon after. I'm just past the allstar game and I am enjoying it for what it's worth. I have a playmaker (I think) Sf with an 87 overall at this point. I have pick dodger, catch and shoot and some fast break badge. This is the most I've ever played so it wins here. The story is kind of cheesy but we're on the Kings. So both Justice and me actually fill a need for them. We have a pretty good interesting lineup with Justice, me, Gay, Tolliver (that dude can shoot 3's!) and Cousins.

Online: Never played online so I can't really weigh in here.

Anyway, how would you guys build your "perfect" 2K?
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