Thread: TBT packs
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Old 02-23-2017, 07:50 PM   #100
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Re: TBT packs

Originally Posted by AsYouSwish
I think if you do that you're still missing things. No tear dropper for a 6'0" PG? Or Ankle Breaker for your primary ball handler? And Kidd finishes inside really well for a guy who doesn't dunk. Tireless scorer and relentless finisher light up and help with that (tireless in other ways too). And I disagree on Corner Specialist and Mid Range DE but maybe that's more for how I play specifically so I won't argue those. Also not even talking about the other little things you can get from extra badges (extra rebounds/possessions from hustle rebounder, more success taking charges, taking advantage of flashy passes, bruiser for a small drain on your opponent).

You might be able to get the badges that you absolutely need on Paul but all those other badges can combine to an extra 3-5 points a game. And sometimes that's all it takes to get a win.

Like you said It's all about play style when it comes to the badges that are must have. I forgot about tireless, that'll go over DE for sure. For the badges CP3 comes with I don't think only having 10 slots really hurts him.
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