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Old 04-06-2017, 03:09 PM   #37
@legendm0de's Arena
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Re: Most realistic hitting mode

Originally Posted by El_MaYiMbE
You make valid points and I see your point of view.
However, even with PCI off you are still aiming the bat.

You push up to make the hidden PCI move up...

I also have an issue with 'hoping' to get a pitch up to hit it up....

You can also lift pitches down the middle with Directional Hitting by aiming up....and sometimes if you time it perfect enough you can lift pitches down in the zone. If you press up on a pitch down the middle with Zone Hitting you will hit it on the ground.

With Zone Hitting you would have to get the PCI (hidden or not) under a pitch down the middle or down, which means you would press DOWN to LIFT the ball. Too me that is inverted.

Directional Hitting is more about what you want to do with the ball vs you want to do with the bat, and letting the batter chose the right type of swing on it. Sometimes you HAVE to hit the ball to a certain side of the field no matter what. And rolling a ball over or hitting weakly is enough. Directional Hitting allows for that.

A scenario where this is true is you have a weak lefty hitter AB and there is a runner on 2nd and you just need to move him over. If the hitter is lefty pulling an outside pitch on the ground is enough to do that. It will most likely be a week grounder but you got job done.

That is a perfect example of a scenario where no matter where ball is pitched you can influence where the ball ends up, vs where the bat ends up. It does not mean it is guaranteed, but you have more control over what you want to do with the pitch.
Well yea, my definition of up is anything well above the knees, especially waist high. The cool thing I've noticed in situational hitting scenarios, at the high levels at least, the CPU tends to use the low portion of the strike zone and they'll never give in. Also there's an overwhelming chance for breaking balls vs ever getting a fastball, especially depending on the pitchers arsenal.

As I said I don't feel handicapped in any way at the plate from doing a single thing, including situational hitting whether it's fly balls, hitting side to side, trying to aim HRs at the Crawford Boxes. Multiple times over the years, I've seen other people comment about how much control over situational hitting zone plus analog gives you, so that feature is not absent in any way for those knowing how to use that control scheme.

The zone system with analog stride included gives you extra input on how you decide to hit the ball, nothing more. The results of what happen involve, primarily, your gameplay settings than the control mechanism, like I stated last post. However, as you'll see in my clips, the gameplay is such that it doesn't allow me to think offensively of it as bat aiming, I just have to naturally find my way to the ball.

For your entertainment, I wasn't able to execute but here's two 1 out First and Third scenarios I've had forever online. You can practically see how much my eyes lit up when he tempted me with a high pitch, but in both at bats it was all a trick..
Red Legend

Last edited by @legendm0de; 04-06-2017 at 03:15 PM.
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