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Old 04-11-2017, 04:56 AM   #3
Mattanite's Arena
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Re: Expanded Attributes

Originally Posted by vrtkolman
This is all awesome stuff man! In fact, I like it so much I'm going to add some to it:

- Hand size, also important in the same sense as wingspan. Also, this affects catching, so tie it to catching ratings? Probably related to fumbles as well.
- Maybe tie first step into “explosiveness”? That ability to generate a tremendous amount of force in a short area. This would be graded through broad jump and vertical scores.
I did think of hand size and ultimately concluded that so many traits are already tied to it (carry, catching, snapping, awareness for bad handoffs, hand fighting to an extent), that ultimately I didn't include it in the end.
That was how I imagined first step, short area explosiveness and reaction time off the snap! Goes beyond just straight acceleration.

Originally Posted by vrtkolman
One thing I would love to see is an “Intensity” rating. A player with high intensity plays with an edge and is a bully, whereas the opposite is the definition of a soft player. This could be a trait, leading me to my last idea…
By the time you factor in Stamina, Season Stamina, Mass, Finish plus other heart & physical ratings I felt you had a decent picture of the effort level of a player to play up to their ratings.

Originally Posted by vrtkolman
Coachable traits are things like intensity (above), high motor, and technique related things. They are related to the coaching staff of your team. If your head coach specializes in motivation, those low motor guys will be high motor guys. If a new coach comes in next year without that, back to low motor. Of course some players will be high motor all the time and vice versa. Coaches could specialize in things like technique (lower penalties). This could open up to full coaching staffs.

Love the idea of it all being tied to coaching (and scrapping XP), teams would not only scout/draft based on their preferences, but each team would coach players differently. The progression, regression and potential ratings determining how easy and how much a player can be coached.
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