
Mattanite's Draft Class Strength Generator

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Old 07-24-2023, 12:56 PM   #1
Mattanite's Arena
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Mattanite's Draft Class Strength Generator

Mattanite's Draft Class Strength Generator

Hello all,

Please find attached below a generator spreadsheet that allows you to randomise draft class strength by position over 12 seasons.

How to use:
  1. Input your Position Strength setting per position.
  2. Input your Position Variability setting per position.
  3. Press Generate Button to generate all 30 seasons information (press reset to blank again or reroll by pressing generate again).
  4. Snippet/Snapshot your 12 seasons of draft class strength and paste into the Copy Space (or send it to your phone for quick reference).
  5. Set the relevant draft class strength prior to Regular Season Week 1 and let the draft class generate.
  6. Press Advance button in next offseason/preseason to move draft classes forward 1 year, if you advance too far, press reset and re advance to desired year.

How does it work?
If you set all Position Strength and Position Variability settings to Normal for every position, then the probability curve generated is a normalised distribution with the Strong/Weak classes are up to 2 standard deviations probability (or 2sigma events) and the Very Strong/Very Weak classes are up to 3 standard deviations (or 3sigma events).

This means that around 68% of the time a normal draft class strength will generate, around 27% of the time a weak or strong draft class will generate (or 1in4 classes) and around 5% of the time a Very Strong or Very Weak class will generate (or 1in20 classes).

There are drop down lists in each Position Strength cell for each position with a handy indicator of what you want to do generally with that position over time - If you generally increase the strength of each class over the 12 seasons, it will reduce the Weak and Very Weak probabilities and that the same probability to Strong and Very Strong classes proportionately. The stronger levels are Above Average, Good, Great, Elite and Hall of Fame (eliminates chance of Weak and Very Weak Classes). The same is true if you decrease the general strengths by selecting Below Average, Poor, Bad, Horrible or "The Worst" (eliminates any chance of Strong or Very Strong).

There are drop down lists for each Position Variability cell for each position, also with a handy indicator, of how variable do you want the randomised draft class generator to be. If you want more chance of Very Weak, Weak, Strong or Very Strong classes instead of normal then you want to increase variability by High, Very High, Extremely High and Super. If you want to generally have more Normal strength classes then consider setting variability to Low, Very Low, Extremely Low or None (95% chance of Normal strength classes).

You can adjust both the Position Strength and Position Variability at the same time. For example, setting QB Strength to Poor but QB Variability to Super chances the probability distribution curve so that there's 35% chance of a Weak Class vs 40% chance of a Normal Class vs 15% chance of a Strong Class, so adds a lot more variability over the 12 seasons but leans towards poorer QB class strength.

The Lottery Calc tab is where the Random number generator occurs, compares that number against the draft class probabilities and returns the string for draft class strength into the Draft Class Generator.
There is also a visual representation of the draft class generator odds that updates with your Position Strength and Variability settings and allows you to compare between positions.

How does this fit in with other aspects of Franchise?
There is a notes section for XP sliders by position and the planned Age of Regression for Madden 24. The AoR can be set much lower with a plan to introduce stronger draft classes so more Superstar and X-Factor or higher 80+ovr players generate at that position but begin to decline earlier or with tougher XP sliders so only the higher dev players progress into the 80s and 90s for Ovr. You will also need to consider your Dev Caps with this system (I prefer Max Dev Caps with adjusted XP sliders down and Injury Slider at 50) as you'll introduce either more devs (Strong classes) and suffer more regressions or less devs (Weak classes) and have less veterans retire as the Dev Caps won't be over max as much.

Why should I use this tool?
Your options going into Madden are to set your own draft class strengths season to season depending on what narrative you want, keep all draft class settings to Normal and let the Madden 24 draft class generator add the variability or to use this tool.

Using this tool allows you to forecast the coming strengths or weaknesses of different college or high school classes so you can plan your team strategy effectively against your current team state. There's a fog of war for High School and Middle School which will only refine to an accurate draft class once in college.

For instance, you could have a Weak then Very Weak QB class but your QB just retired, do you risk taking a QB in a weaker class or trade for a veteran to play 2 or 3 seasons before pulling the trigger on a rookie QB. Is there an upcoming monster class across multiple positions so you fire sale the team for draft picks, or an upcoming weak class and the focus becomes veterans in free agency???

Position Strength
  • Hall of Fame
  • Elite
  • Great
  • Good
  • Above Average
  • Average
  • Below Average
  • Poor
  • Bad
  • Horrible
  • The Worst

Position Variability
  • None
  • Extremely Low
  • Very Low
  • Low
  • Normal
  • High
  • Very High
  • Extremely High
  • Super

See next post for example screen of the generator.

Update 1.00
  • Expanded generator to randomise all 30 Madden seasons at once.
  • Added macro button function to lock in the RAND, so click Generate to randomise all 30 seasons at once. Keep clicking to change all 30 seasons.
  • Added reset button to blank all random generation.
  • You may notice a blip on Reset and Generate as the macro flips between tabs.
  • Added fog of war to High School and Middle School information for seasons 5-8 and 9-12 respectively. Now High school will show as a 2*, 3* or 4* class and hide the very weak or very strong aspect until College and Middle School will just show Good or Poor until HS where it will show the star rating.
  • Added Advance button that advances all players 1 year, so seniors in High School become Freshmen in College etc. Keep pressing to keep advancing 1 year.
  • Added Restart button that will take the draft classes back to 2024 but not regenerate (so will show the same information as when you started).

Update 1.10
Added an Oscillator function, if selected as yes it has the following effects:
  • If previous Class was Very Weak, then next class can only be Weak-Very Strong to mimic the displacement of the good players into the next class (function adds Very Weak probability onto score and increases chances of Strong and Very Strong classes by the Very Weak probability).
  • If previous Class was Very Strong, then next class can only be Very Weak- Normal to mimic displacement of the good players into previous class (25% reduction in probability score takes all scores lower than Very Strong and Strong with increased chance of Weak and Very Weak next classes).
  • If previous Class was Strong, the next class has reduced chance of being Very Strong (10% reduction in probability score eliminates most chances of Very Strong Class)
  • If previous Class was Weak, the next class has reduced chance of being Very Weak (10% reduction in probability score eliminates most chances of Very Weak Class)
Added a Head Scout Index function that comments on the current draft class and next draft class for immersion and quick interpretation of classes. Breaks down into the 5 following categories:
  • QB
  • Skill
  • OL
  • Front7
  • DB
  • Special Teams
I've left my personal settings in this version too:
  • QB - Poor-Super in order to generally suppress the bloated QB Ovr that develops over time with Weak and Normal having similar probabilities but make Strong and Very Strong classes still reasonably possible.
  • RB - Below Average-Very High Skill positions getting a reduction in general Ovr entering the league so will take more time/skills to develop (easiest category to develop) but very high volatility so there are swings for possible Strong and Very strong classes to occur.
  • WR - Below Average-Very High
  • TE - Below Average-Very High
  • OT - Above Average-High as OL don't have Training Camp upgrades and harder to upgrade Dev traits therefore typically higher Ovr coming into league but some variability for bad classes.
  • IOL - Above Average-High
  • EDGE - Average-Very High to add more volatility around defenders requiring better long term planning but no skew as they're harder to progress than offensive players.
  • DL - Average-Very High
  • LB - Average-Very High
  • CB - Average-Very High
  • S - Average-Very High
  • K - Bad-Super in order to skew to predominantly lower Ovr with outliers for high OVR players.
  • P - Bad-Super
Fixed some spelling mistakes
Added a Draft Class Total Grade on the display so you can better understand if the Draft Class as a whole is Good (A+ to B+), Average (B to C) or Poor (C- to F)
Attached Files
File Type: zip M24 Draft Class Strength Generator 1.10.zip (84.1 KB, 186 views)

Last edited by Mattanite; 03-15-2024 at 09:07 AM.
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Old 07-24-2023, 12:57 PM   #2
Mattanite's Arena
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Re: Mattanite's Draft Class Strength Generator

See example of the screen below:
Attached Images
File Type: png Example.png (779.8 KB, 220 views)

Last edited by Mattanite; 03-15-2024 at 09:06 AM. Reason: Updated Image for 1.10
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Old 07-24-2023, 01:24 PM   #3
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Re: Mattanite's Draft Class Strength Generator

One day EA will come to you with a contract...maybe a week later they come my way but we deal with that when we need to. Top stuff as always
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Old 07-24-2023, 01:34 PM   #4
Mattanite's Arena
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Re: Mattanite's Draft Class Strength Generator

Originally Posted by F17
One day EA will come to you with a contract...maybe a week later they come my way but we deal with that when we need to. Top stuff as always
One day...
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Old 07-24-2023, 02:23 PM   #5
patsfan1993's Arena
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Re: Mattanite's Draft Class Strength Generator

Dude. This is fantastic. I had something very similar in my head that I was going to do manually. I was only going 4 years in college, and you went all the way down to middle school.

Any thought on the accuracy of the class changing as it gets closer to use? In my manual setup I was thinking about a slight reroll each year it advances to either move up down or stay the same the accuracy of the projected class. My thought was the closer the class came to the draft the more information available, the more tape scouted, and the scouts would have a better read on the overal class.
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Old 07-24-2023, 05:39 PM   #6
Mattanite's Arena
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Re: Mattanite's Draft Class Strength Generator

Originally Posted by patsfan1993
Dude. This is fantastic. I had something very similar in my head that I was going to do manually. I was only going 4 years in college, and you went all the way down to middle school.

Any thought on the accuracy of the class changing as it gets closer to use? In my manual setup I was thinking about a slight reroll each year it advances to either move up down or stay the same the accuracy of the projected class. My thought was the closer the class came to the draft the more information available, the more tape scouted, and the scouts would have a better read on the overal class.
You're welcome! And that's a great idea!

I could have a 3 wide range for MS (weak-strong), 2 wide range for HS (weak-normal) and the actual rating for college. The problem comes using RAND in excel, it recalculates with every action, therefore I'll have to use a macro to lock in RAND and a second macro to advance MS to HS to college.

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Last edited by Mattanite; 07-24-2023 at 05:43 PM. Reason: My dog headbutted my phone mid type.
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Old 07-24-2023, 07:13 PM   #7
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Re: Mattanite's Draft Class Strength Generator

Mattanite, it won't be long at all before we also lose you to Tiburon (or Visual Concepts). Good stuff as always!
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Old 07-25-2023, 07:38 AM   #8
Mattanite's Arena
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Re: Mattanite's Draft Class Strength Generator

Originally Posted by patsfan1993

Any thought on the accuracy of the class changing as it gets closer to use?
You'll be pleased to know I have done this.

College you'll know accurately.
HS gets a 2 to 4 star rating for the class so you won't know very strong or very weak until college.
Ms just has good or poor until hs then gets a star rating, then gets to college and becomes accurate.

All done with macro buttons to generate class, reset to blank, advance a year and reset to the beginning (but the RAND is now locked in unless you click generate again). It's now for all 30 madden seasons too. Enjoy (in about 20mins)!

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