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Old 04-13-2017, 06:46 PM   #3
OVR: 2
Join Date: Dec 2007
Re: Franchise mode simulation question?

Here is my routine:

Game 1: play in its entirety. (might sim a few innings if I get up or down by a bunch and just want to get it over with)

Game 2&3: slow sim. I start the game like I am going to play, and then hit pause, and "sim to end." I then let the sim play out and jump into the game when my pitcher gets in trouble or if there's a key at-bat.

Game 4&5: Sim to 7th. I start the game like I am going to play, and then sim to the seventh inning. Unlike the previous option, I don't watch it get there. I just click to sim to the 7th, and go directly to that point. Sometimes I find myself in a close game, where I will play it out. Sometimes I'm down or up big and I'll just sim the rest.

Game 6: Straight up sim the day, no control involved.

This allows you to pitch with each pitcher. The game you are playing in its entirety will go through your rotation. You control the lineup, bullpen usage, and late game decisions (for the most part), in all the games except the last one. I can generally get through one of these "cycles" in under an hour, depending on how much actual playing I do for games 2-5.

I never use quick counts.
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