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Old 04-18-2017, 10:32 AM   #29
Starducket Moon
Starducket Moon's Arena
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Re: MLB The Show Server Issues: Detailing the Saga So Far

I'm starting to think there's multiple issues to this. The first is the missions and it forcing so many people into playing on-line games. The amount of players may be the issue. Then there's an issue I had a few days ago... I played a Battle Royale game against someone who absolutely creamed me. I've lost before but everything I threw this guy was bombed over the fence. 12-0 in 3 innings. That included me turning a triple play on him. I mean I could throw it almost in the dirt and he'd hit it 500 feet. I figured he was just that good. On my end hitting, it seemed glitchy. Like the ball just would freeze and sputter. I didn't care. Just played the game to conclusion. I knew I was beat. The game went into queue and was never heard from again. I played other games that day and the games counted. So my eyebrows were raised. So it wouldn't surprise me if some have found a way to cheat. Let's let them clean up their yard. In the meantime I'm hoping they give a good explanation what has caused us so much frustration trying to enjoy a game we all looked so much forward to playing.
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