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Old 05-31-2017, 10:33 PM   #28
TGov's Arena
OVR: 8
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Earth
Re: How is this POSSIBLE??? Avoidable?

I know the plays you're talking about, I've encountered a lot of them. They have made me yell and swear in the past.
I've learned to try (try) to laugh them off because... This is a game.
Now, I play seriously, I want to win but I want the competition too and when THESE plays screw me over, I get angry.
But I've come back down to earth and realized, I play this game for fun and I don't get any type of compensation for winning so I want to enjoy the game more, win or lose, even if these screwy plays happen.
If you can overlook these little mishaps, you'll see there's a lot of great things there for our entertainment.
AND, IRL screwy plays happen, maybe not like this but crazy things happen that you'd never believe unless you see it happen IRL, just roll with it maaaaaan...

Last edited by TGov; 05-31-2017 at 10:34 PM. Reason: spelling lol
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