Thread: MMA Off-Topic
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Old 06-15-2017, 09:05 AM   #2537
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Re: MMA Off-Topic

Originally Posted by redsrule
I doubt he makes that, but your point still stands. The UFC is gonna get their cut and Floyd is gonna have a bigger cut so he's not gonna get all of his side.

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I'm interested to know how much Connor will make in this fight.
I heard one 'insider' say that he could make close to $50M. That seems really high to me, but what do I know.

Even if he makes 'only' $20M, he would have to fight 3 or 4 times in the UFC to make that.
Fighting Mayweather is a no-brainer for him. Due to Floyd's glass fists and pillow punches, he probably won't get hurt much as long as he keeps his guard up.

But I seriously don't know how there are people walking the streets who think Connor has a chance.
He wasn't able to KO Nate Diaz who has limited boxing skills.
How is he going to tag the greatest defensive fighter in the past 30 years?
I'm convinced there is a Gold Glove champ out there that could destroy Connor in a boxing match.

As a boxing fan, this circus ticks me off. No wonder the sport is considered a joke these days.
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