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Old 06-15-2017, 09:05 AM   #2537
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Re: MMA Off-Topic

Originally Posted by redsrule
I doubt he makes that, but your point still stands. The UFC is gonna get their cut and Floyd is gonna have a bigger cut so he's not gonna get all of his side.

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I'm interested to know how much Connor will make in this fight.
I heard one 'insider' say that he could make close to $50M. That seems really high to me, but what do I know.

Even if he makes 'only' $20M, he would have to fight 3 or 4 times in the UFC to make that.
Fighting Mayweather is a no-brainer for him. Due to Floyd's glass fists and pillow punches, he probably won't get hurt much as long as he keeps his guard up.

But I seriously don't know how there are people walking the streets who think Connor has a chance.
He wasn't able to KO Nate Diaz who has limited boxing skills.
How is he going to tag the greatest defensive fighter in the past 30 years?
I'm convinced there is a Gold Glove champ out there that could destroy Connor in a boxing match.

As a boxing fan, this circus ticks me off. No wonder the sport is considered a joke these days.
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Old 06-15-2017, 03:44 PM   #2538
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Re: MMA Off-Topic

Mayweather is gonna shut this kid up. Now I don't blame McGregor for taking this payday he'd be a fool not to but he has to know he has no chance in a boxing match. He'll be running around the ring trying to hit Mayweather might get in an illegal blow or three but if the fight goes into the middle later rounds Mayweahter will knock him out. I wouldn't pay a cent to watch this kind of thing.
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Old 06-15-2017, 05:16 PM   #2539
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Re: MMA Off-Topic

Yh if we are being honest here, we all know Conor most likely loses this fight. I mean only thing he really has is a punchers chance with the left and with the 10 oz gloves on, that chance definitely decreases. I feel like only casual fans think Conor has some great chance.
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Old 06-15-2017, 06:40 PM   #2540
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Re: MMA Off-Topic

Originally Posted by Money99
I'm interested to know how much Connor will make in this fight.

I heard one 'insider' say that he could make close to $50M. That seems really high to me, but what do I know.

Even if he makes 'only' $20M, he would have to fight 3 or 4 times in the UFC to make that.

Fighting Mayweather is a no-brainer for him. Due to Floyd's glass fists and pillow punches, he probably won't get hurt much as long as he keeps his guard up.

But I seriously don't know how there are people walking the streets who think Connor has a chance.

He wasn't able to KO Nate Diaz who has limited boxing skills.

How is he going to tag the greatest defensive fighter in the past 30 years?

I'm convinced there is a Gold Glove champ out there that could destroy Connor in a boxing match.

As a boxing fan, this circus ticks me off. No wonder the sport is considered a joke these days.

Conor made around 20 for his fight in November when u count the ppv percentage.

I don't get why boxing fans are so pissed with this. It's a show case fight. Who else is Floyd going to fight right now? Thurman is out until next year. No one wants a PAC man rematch. It's too early for Spence. He already beat Canelo.

Mma fans are the ones who should be pissed. Because of this sideshow, Conor won't defend the belt for a yr and may never fight in the UFC again.

With that said, it should be a great lead up to the fight.

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Old 06-15-2017, 07:03 PM   #2541
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MMA Off-Topic

Pompous boxing purists are going to be intolerable the next couple of months. I realize this is more spectacle than competitive boxing match, but like many others I'm extremely intrigued. In today's social climate people are looking for a huge distraction that everyone can enjoy together and this matchup more than any(boxing or MMA) in the last couple of years gives it to us.

Mcgregor doesn't owe MMA fans anything, if he takes this fight then rides off into the sunset never to fight again or defend a belt I'll be happy for him. Get in, get rich, get out with your health should be the goal of any prize fighter.

Edit: These mainstream and boxing comparisons are unbearable. People are saying it's like Michael Phelps vs Usain Bolt. Ugh. If you're going to compare them it would be more like Odell Beckham vs Bolt.

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Last edited by Hiro1; 06-15-2017 at 07:06 PM.
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Old 06-15-2017, 08:17 PM   #2542
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Re: MMA Off-Topic


This will go down in combat sports history whether you like Conor or Floyd, or not.
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Old 06-15-2017, 08:21 PM   #2543
WarMMA's Arena
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Re: MMA Off-Topic

Originally Posted by Hiro1
Pompous boxing purists are going to be intolerable the next couple of months. I realize this is more spectacle than competitive boxing match, but like many others I'm extremely intrigued. In today's social climate people are looking for a huge distraction that everyone can enjoy together and this matchup more than any(boxing or MMA) in the last couple of years gives it to us.

Mcgregor doesn't owe MMA fans anything, if he takes this fight then rides off into the sunset never to fight again or defend a belt I'll be happy for him. Get in, get rich, get out with your health should be the goal of any prize fighter.

Edit: These mainstream and boxing comparisons are unbearable. People are saying it's like Michael Phelps vs Usain Bolt. Ugh. If you're going to compare them it would be more like Odell Beckham vs Bolt.

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Yh it may be annoying, but I mean it's a fight. People will compare them regardless and some will be ridiculous. It's bringing fans from both sports and they will clash. Last time I remember it being like this was when James Toney came over to fight Couture...but this is way bigger than that. I think it's good for both sports tbh though. Especially considering boxing has been kind of on the downslide in terms of maintaining it's excitment.
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Old 06-15-2017, 08:32 PM   #2544
WarMMA's Arena
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Re: MMA Off-Topic

Originally Posted by aholbert32
Conor made around 20 for his fight in November when u count the ppv percentage.

I don't get why boxing fans are so pissed with this. It's a show case fight. Who else is Floyd going to fight right now? Thurman is out until next year. No one wants a PAC man rematch. It's too early for Spence. He already beat Canelo.

Mma fans are the ones who should be pissed. Because of this sideshow, Conor won't defend the belt for a yr and may never fight in the UFC again.

With that said, it should be a great lead up to the fight.

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Most boxing purists are just pissed cuz they feel like it's a circus fight...they feel like Conor doesn't belong in the boxing ring with Floyd. I say well let Floyd prove it then, like Couture did to Toney. End of the day it's a win for both sports and for both men imo. And on Conor defending the belt, Dana said Conor plans to defend his LW belt this year also. Where did you hear he won't defend it for a year? Or were you just assuming?
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