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Old 06-25-2017, 03:10 PM   #6
Vroman's Arena
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Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Lithuania
Re: Should 2K just get rid of Shot Zones?

Originally Posted by Caelumfang
And that's a major problem. Example: If you take away hot zones and don't have 100% greens, a Shot Creator archetype will be at a severe disadvantage vs a Sharpshooter archetype, because the game is built to reward standing shots more than shots off the dribble. And even then, certain shots off the dribble fall more frequently than others. Without hot zones, things like this become even MORE apparent.

Considering I've been losing more and more faith in their ability to produce fair and balanced shooting across the board, I feel that we need to have one (100% greens) or the other (hot zones). Otherwise shooting will become far too inconsistent.
2k16 had less frequent greens and even that wasnt 100% go in. As a result that game had MUCH more balanced shooting than 2k17 . Concept of making moving shots at better rate than spot up ones is wrong in the first place and sharp with shot creator should be somewhat merged (highest spot up + moving shot rating and moving shot rating is 0.xx multiplyer to standing ones) .

If u can obtain 100% jumpshot success then there is no point for other type of the offense other than jumpshooting all game.

Last edited by Vroman; 06-25-2017 at 03:15 PM.
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