I'm getting your point, but I think the time/money comparison is a bit too far fetched in this case. This depends on indivual standpoints.
Whereas you see the amount of time
as work in the auction block, I see it as a
fun business simulation live trading game. So if I actually enjoy building up MT and earning cards, I don't feel like I'm paying any costs - neither in time nor money.
My main point is, that MyTeam was always about the grind. If they start with salary caps and give no other options like MTO, there is no need for the grind, and for me at least, then there is no need for the mode.
If I wanna get into gameplay only I focus on MyCareer/ProAM/Park or PNO.
But MyTeam was always about building & collecting with a thoughtful strategy.
If they add both modes (MTO + Max) this will be a great game, if it's only Max it's an L. You seriously want to wait until 2K raises the cap bar? So you can use your hard earned players? No thanks.