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Old 09-20-2017, 07:35 PM   #5
EccentricMeat's Arena
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Re: 2K18 - Layup/Jump Shot Defense Strength sliders not working?

They do work, and there's a little bit of misunderstanding on what exactly they do. I posted a VERY in depth look at these sliders a couple years ago, so give that a read if you'd like (I'd link it but I'm on mobile right now).

But to summarize, these sliders affect how well defenders stick to shooters on the perimeter and fight through screens (Jump Shot Gather), how well they close out on a late shot contest and how effective they are at getting a hand in the shooter's face (Jump Shot Release), how well they get into position to defend layups (Layup Takeoff) and how much they effect contested layups at release (Layup Release).

Unfortunately these sliders control both the animations AND the likelihood of shots going in, so in order to get the best animations and most aggressive closeouts, you will also increase how much nearby defenders negatively impact a shots success.

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