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Old 10-12-2017, 09:53 AM   #1
OVR: 0
Join Date: Oct 2016
MyPlayer attributes questions

I don't have 2k18 yet, but I've been watching different videos seeing how the game works this year and what kind of player I'm going to make eventually. I had a LDD last year, so I'm thinking maybe a LDD Sharpshooter or a LDD Playmaker. But my main question concerns attributes.

I see that you can be a 99 overall this year, but it looks like it will be a grind, as always. When someone does reach 99, does that mean they can max out all of those yellow arrows across the board or are there still caps on certain things?

There is an attributes cap tool on that shows ratings for different myplayer builds. The ratings that they show for a build is when you reach 86 overall (if you upgrade all of your attributes from the start with a ton of VC) or when you reach 99 overall? It didn't look like 2k18 shows exactly what attributes go up before you use VC to buy an upgrade like they showed in 2k17. For example, if you're about to upgrade your 3pt shooting, I don't think it shows you where your 3pt shooting rating is at now, and where it will be after the next upgrade, before you actually buy the upgrade. That's why I'm wondering if the numbers they show on 2klab are for an 86 overall or a 99 overall. Here is a link to the site.

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