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Old 03-15-2018, 04:29 PM   #24
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Join Date: Aug 2016
Re: The NBA 2K League Selects its Players, Predictable Outcry Ensues From Those Not S

Originally Posted by CCman
That was a long winded post to essentially say the guy has a right to bitch. Sure he can complain all he wants but anyone offerring a job doesn't have to disclose all that they are looking for in the process.

When i place a job posting i give an idea of what i am looking for but i dont lay out exactly what the applicants need to do to to secure the job.

That is up to them but i do agree that if i start hiring my cousins and his friends and ignore the applicants that it isnt fair but it's not unethical just potentially a bad business decision.

If they are making horrendous choices as people are saying then the league will fail but as you have seen in other esports league (overwatch, fifa) it's not just about talented guys but their character is what will help make this league successful.
incorrect. that was a long winded post to say The guy was RIGHT from an Ethical Stand point. thats the part it seems you guys are glossing over.

He isnt talking about from a business standpoint. from an ethical standpoint they lied. and we all know they did. end of that part of the discussion. there is nothing else to say on that front unless we want to talk about what we think they should have done differently.

There's a reasons all of you guys replies are identical. You are saying "bu bu but... its a business...its a job...they can do whatever they want."

That was never the guys issue. Did they lie? yes or no. if the answer is yes. thats it. he's right. they lied.
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