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Old 03-30-2018, 05:38 PM   #4
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Join Date: Apr 2016
Re: Oblique Stomp Glitch

Originally Posted by YourFatZebra
No I'm able to block them like normal but when someone throws a normal leg kick, you check it and it does damage. There's a risk to throwing 18 of them in a row. There's no risk to throwing the 18 oblique kicks because all it does is make my character slide back or land and do damage, either one good for the person throwing it. My only defense is to get away or low block it which prevents me from attacking. I don't know how this could be fixed or how I could have stopped him because I did everything imaginable to try and hit him, but all he ever threw was the same oblique stomp. He never opened up to be hit unless he was throwing that attack that is only blockable in a way that does nothing to him and renders me unable to attack.

Takedowns are never a reasonable option for me online because everyone seems to be able to deflect **** easier than me on some connection nonsense that I don't understand. Offline, CPU's and homies can't ever do anything to me cause I deflect it all. It's a running gag in my house now that I will out loud predict someone's grapple attempt and still fail to deflect it for whatever reason regardless of my actions.
Do you not use TDs or clinch? They provide GA now.
You can ask for increasing it on oblique/side kicks but you can definitely use that.

You would have to find a gif of someone checking a straight kick, it should be possible but I'm not sure it would be as effective as it is against round kicks.
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