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Old 05-31-2018, 09:55 AM   #58
Sucram7777's Arena
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Join Date: Aug 2014
Re: How in-depth do you think Madden will take its archetype system?

Hell, as a few people mentioned, I'm up for anything that advocates more individual personalities/styles over players spanning across the league.

If Archetypes accomplishes just that? Then I'm gung-ho about the feature.

And someone else earlier said that the Archetypes may passively encourage better CPU decisions off the field if they will likely only search for players who'll fit their scheme. Now, as far as Drafting 2 more QBs when you still have Matt Stafford going strong - I'm unsure if it'll correct that blasphemy as well...

But lord knows, the CPU need to start acting like they have some sense, and again, if this features aids that - I'm on board with it.
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