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Old 07-09-2018, 06:11 PM   #857
Culture Rot
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Re: List of Classic Seasons & Historical Specialty Rosters MLB The Show

Originally Posted by baumy300
About half done with 1997 and then just have 98 left before the re-ups and final builds of 95, 96, 97, and 98.

So many small changes but many large impacts/better visuals than past verions. A few bigger-than-small changes, or at least I consider to be, end up helping Florida. Quilvio Veras goes from 83 speed to 87, Edgar Renteria goes from 77 to 85 in speed, and Luis Castillo hits 91 up from 88. Veras heads to San Diego eventually in the set but for a year in 96 Florida has two Rookies (Castillo, Renteria) and a Sophomore (Veras) who can lightup the basepaths. They were a little cheated in the speed category, as well as a small few others, so they got a bump. Same with a few fielders as well. Feel comfortable calling these the final build.
i thought you really nailed ratings "out of the box" in previous versions but naturally the more you/we play, the closer we can get to accuracy and realism, and so im really psyched for this re-tuned and polished rosters.
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