If defense isn't nerfed Lockdowns will be superfluous.
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09-06-2018, 04:59 AM
OVR: 0
Join Date: Aug 2010
Re: If defense isn't nerfed Lockdowns will be superfluous.
Originally Posted by
It's easier for you guys to label me a bad player. It's easy for you to assume i don't know what I'm talking about.
I do NOT want to turn 19 into 18. But I'm telling you guys right now that the online community will drift away from defensive builds if everyone can play defense.
If you're a pure sharp with no defense in your build then you shouldnt win most of your battles on defense. Period. And i don't see that happening in 19 as of right now..
Yes, it's the demo. But I'm not a novice 2k player either.
anyone that gets lock down by a pure sharp should evaluate if this is the game they should be playing.
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