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Old 09-22-2018, 01:58 AM   #51
redwo1f's Arena
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Join Date: Jun 2018
Re: Axis Football 18 Details

v3.1 Changelog

Fixed a bug that was causing crashes when an achievement was earned
Fixed some issues with the clock running and not running when it should

v3.2 Changelog

Hi, folks!

We're back with another update and some bug fixes!


Added some additional options for controlling the speed of the game, play clock, and game clock. Please note that all game settings are getting reset back to the default. We apologize for any inconvience this may cause, but it's necessary to implement some fixes.

Fixed the bug that was causing the user to sometimes be unable to run the PAT if they scored as time expired.
Fixed the bug that was causing the punt returner to circle around the ball's
landing spot
Fixed several bugs related to when the game and play clock started and stopped
The AI will no longer wait to snap the ball (ie, run the clock out) if they're losing
Adjusted some passing values to create more realism.
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