Official NBA 2k19 MyLeague/MyGM Thread
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09-24-2018, 09:24 AM
Formerly known as Barnsey
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Posts: 1,339
Re: Official NBA 2k19 MyLeague/MyGM Thread
Originally Posted by
The workaround to this is to adjust each new rookies years to 0, however you have to do it in the offseason before advancing to the new season.
If you wait until the season starts to adjust their years them they don't register as a rookie.
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That has worked, thanks!
I have to double check this but it looks like you have to do it before you get to the Player Progression screen otherwise their ratings go up.
I'm glad there's a workaround for personal use, but it's still a shame that this is happening though because i was hoping to share my fictional draft classes to the public, but they'll be tainted if i use import other player attributes. The whole point of downloading fictional draft classes is to avoid editing. Oh well.
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