
Official NBA 2k19 MyLeague/MyGM Thread

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Old 09-24-2018, 03:11 AM   #345
Formerly known as Barnsey
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Re: Official NBA 2k19 MyLeague/MyGM Thread

Originally Posted by spottedshady
Does the g-league guys accelerated development ruin the experience for anyone else? I’ve posted about it in the bugs and glitches thread and submitted a ticket a few days ago but still haven’t heard anything back.
Definitely does for me too.

Not sure if it's necessarily a bug, i think they may have scripted it into the game, but not sure. Hopefully it can get sorted it out though because they take up a lot of space/opportunity in the game.
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Old 09-24-2018, 03:17 AM   #346
Formerly known as Barnsey
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Re: Official NBA 2k19 MyLeague/MyGM Thread

One other thing that bugged me about MyLeague. It's only minor, but De'Aaron Fox won MIP in my game. No 2nd year players ever win the award in the real NBA; never in the history of the league. I submitted a 2k support ticket about it and this was their response.

Hi Barny,

Thank you for contacting 2K Support!

Thanks for your feedback on the game. At this time there are no plans to restrict the award for second year players. But the development team is always seeking to improve our NBA series and customer suggestions and ideas are always welcome.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask!

Scott W.
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Old 09-24-2018, 03:51 AM   #347
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Re: Official NBA 2k19 MyLeague/MyGM Thread

Originally Posted by Barncore
One other thing that bugged me about MyLeague. It's only minor, but De'Aaron Fox won MIP in my game. No 2nd year players ever win the award in the real NBA; never in the history of the league. I submitted a 2k support ticket about it and this was their response.

I may be wrong with this, but I just have a feeling that with 2K support, they dont give a damn unless its game breaking to the point where they could be legally liable (think lost saves from last year or missing content/VC that you paid for). With improvements and minor glitches, I think you're better off trying to get a devs attention directly.
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Old 09-24-2018, 04:18 AM   #348
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Re: Official NBA 2k19 MyLeague/MyGM Thread

Originally Posted by Barncore
I noticed a disappointing problem last night.

I make fictional draft classes, and in order to streamline the process i import DNA of other NBA player attributes/tendencies/etc to use as a template to build from. Specifically, i used player DNA from classic teams. I did a test sim of my draft class cos i was curious to see what stats my created rookies would get, but i couldn't find them in the rookie report, and after tracking them down i noticed they weren't classified as rookies for some reason, one guy was a 2 year pro, another guy was a 3 year pro, and another guy was a 4 year pro.
But the weird part was when i went back into editing the draft class to check on it, it had their "years pro" listed as 0. So hmmmm not sure what to do about that.
I'll submit a support ticket.
This was 2K's response...

Hi Barny,

Thank you for contacting 2K Support!

Thanks for your feedback on the game. We at 2K are delighted to hear you are having so much fun using the Player DNA functions to experiment with a unique crop of rookies. At this time we do not have the means to adjust roster years, and we regret to say that as such we will be unable to assist with this issue.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask!

Scott W.
Damn damn damn.

Guess i can't use NBA player attributes/tendencies as templates to make fictional draft classes then. Can't use player DNA after all in this scenario
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Old 09-24-2018, 04:32 AM   #349
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Re: Official NBA 2k19 MyLeague/MyGM Thread

Originally Posted by Barncore
This was 2K's response...

Damn damn damn.

Guess i can't use NBA player attributes/tendencies as templates to make fictional draft classes then. Can't use player DNA after all in this scenario
Use create a player and you can adjust them

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Old 09-24-2018, 08:49 AM   #350
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Re: Official NBA 2k19 MyLeague/MyGM Thread

Originally Posted by Barncore
This was 2K's response...

Damn damn damn.

Guess i can't use NBA player attributes/tendencies as templates to make fictional draft classes then. Can't use player DNA after all in this scenario
The workaround to this is to adjust each new rookies years to 0, however you have to do it in the offseason before advancing to the new season.

If you wait until the season starts to adjust their years them they don't register as a rookie.

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Old 09-24-2018, 09:24 AM   #351
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Re: Official NBA 2k19 MyLeague/MyGM Thread

Originally Posted by jeremym480
The workaround to this is to adjust each new rookies years to 0, however you have to do it in the offseason before advancing to the new season.

If you wait until the season starts to adjust their years them they don't register as a rookie.

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That has worked, thanks!

I have to double check this but it looks like you have to do it before you get to the Player Progression screen otherwise their ratings go up.

I'm glad there's a workaround for personal use, but it's still a shame that this is happening though because i was hoping to share my fictional draft classes to the public, but they'll be tainted if i use import other player attributes. The whole point of downloading fictional draft classes is to avoid editing. Oh well.
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Old 09-24-2018, 11:22 AM   #352
Formerly known as Barnsey
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Re: Official NBA 2k19 MyLeague/MyGM Thread

Originally Posted by janmagn
Use create a player and you can adjust them

Lähetetty minun LG-M250 laitteesta Tapatalkilla
Ah, this is the ticket. I just tried it and it worked. Nice.

The process: Edit player within draft class editor > Export player DNA > Exit draft class > Open Create a player > Import player DNA from draft class > Edit years pro to 0 > Export player DNA > Open draft class back up > Edit player > Import player DNA > Save.

It's a hassle but i'm glad there's a solution. The show can go on
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