12-19-2018, 02:16 PM
Help me, I suck.
So I basically play almost every sports game on the hardest difficulty, and usually I pick them up fairly quickly. I bought Madden 19 a few days ago, I like it alot, and I understand that you can't be a god right away. But I can't for the life of me get a win on the Pro difficulty. The rookie difficulty is too easy, and I score 50-10 every time. Defense I have no problem, but on the offense i'm really struggling. I'm having a hard time finding people open, and I make incomplete passes all the time. And I suck so bad that I get the ball intercepted almost every offensive play I have.
So I need some tips from you guys! I use the coach suggestive plays, should I go for some specific plays? I'm also really new to NFL.