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Old 04-05-2019, 04:04 AM   #77
Emmett14's Arena
OVR: 1
Join Date: Nov 2004
Offseason Changes

1. I always bump up any power conference teams that have fallen below 70, back up to 70 to keep them afloat.

2. As previously alluded to 91 prestige Pacific will move to the Pac-11, making it the Pac-12. They had been in the West Coast Conference. For now, the West Coast Conference will not replace Pacific, though they will be likely to soon with Sacramento State being the likely candidate.

3. I decided to make a move that impacts our conference, the Southern. UNC Greensboro is being dropped to independent ball and is being replaced by 24 prestige USC-Aiken.

4. 21 prestige Colorado State-Pueblo is moving from independent ball to the Frontier conference. They are just two years removed from an impressive CBI championship.

5. 8 prestige Emporia State (KS) is being dropped from the Southland and is being replaced by Southeast Oklahoma State.

6. Two new teams being added this year:
Sioux Falls Cougars in Sioux Falls, South Dakota


Queens Knights in Flushing, New York
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