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Originally Posted by TheShizNo1 |
That's all you agree with? That's it?
Why did you even read the article, though? You seem pretty disgusted by the notion of people talking about not liking the game. When CFB season starts, I'm gonna ask you why are you telling us why you don't like something about The U instead of just turning the TV off lol. It's a polarizing game, man.
I agree with a lot of the article. Watching Arthur follow Dutch through hell and high water made me hate Arthur as much as Dutch. Why the hell did they decide to add rpg elements in the game? I have to go through the same slow *** motion animations to pick up some cards, an apple, and some tobacco. Having to check to make sure I have all my guns. Looting after a shootout taking so damn long and add to that it'll most likely involve a witness seeing you and snitching even though they weren't around when **** was happening.
All of that amongst other reasons are why I've never felt the need to go back to the game. That being said, it's still a good game. I see where people get enjoyment and I even see how it can be the goat for some.
But to completely miss or disregard why others would take issue with the game is just kinda narrow minded to me.
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How do I seem disgusted by the notion of people not liking the game? I said that the game isn't perfect and I understand why people won't like it. I just didn't agree with his article too much nor did I care for the way he voiced his complaints.
I can see why people don't like the pacing of the game, e.g. the animation speed you mentioned, I can see why people don't like the few RPG elements in the game, even though you can honestly ignore them completely, and I can see why people dislike it for a variety of reasons. If you dislike this game it doesn't disgust me, lol. I can 100% understand why people dislike the things I mentioned or parts of the story. The game is far far far from perfect.
What I disliked the most was how he'd setup a point over 10 paragraphs just to complain about the left trigger being used to target somebody in combat or in conversation. There was no need to use as many words as he did to complain about half the things he did. He went over and over and over with all of these analogies and whatnot to then just complain about some silly stuff.
The left trigger being used for dialogue and combat targeting is not a big issue to me. I think in all of the time I played the game I may have accidentally pointed my gun at 2 or 3 people tops. I think if that you constantly are accidentally aiming at people that is user error, not really a Rockstar error.
The same goes with him accidentally putting up his fishing pole constantly when trying to bait it. Does this guy have issues with controlling his own fingers? Again, I've probably spent at least 10-20 hours fishing, maybe even more, and I think I may have accidentally put my rod up 1 time in all of that.
Those are the kind of complaints that made me take him less and less serious as the article went on. The fact that this guy kept mentioning he had over 100 hours in the game and kept forgetting controls is more of a personal problem and less of a game problem in my eyes. This game did not have complicated controls. Clunky at times? Yes. Complicated,? Not really.
As for the complaints in your post, like I said, the pacing is definitely something I can see being a big turnoff for a lot of people. I don't dispute that one bit. I don't mind it, but that doesn't mean it is perfect. I prefer slower paced games, a lot of people don't. We all are allowed to have differing opinions. I simply would say if you find looting to be that tedious then skip it. It isn't a vital part to this game. It helps you to do it, but it doesn't really hurt you too much to not do it. You easily make enough money consistently throughout the game to where you can just bypass all looting and purchase everything you could ever need in 2 minutes.
Now, taking care of guns, that is another thing I can see people disliking. Again, no issues here. If I were Rockstar I would have setup a system to let people just disable that if they truly wanted. They didn't for whatever reason.
I used to be a big fan of Rockstar. They were my favorite developer. They aren't anymore. I think they delivered with this game. It will go down as one of my GOATs like RDRedemption did. That being said, they failed to deliver with GTAV. Both GTA Online and RDR2 Online are not what I care for and make me lose much respect for Rockstar. I think Rockstar has fallen to a point now where I am pretty skeptical of the next GTA release and any other future titles they make despite how good RDR2 is in my opinion.
To think I get disgusted by the notion people don't like this game is laughable to me. I understand 100% why people wouldn't like this game. I was a bit surprised so many people proclaimed it to be one of the GOATs because I thought Rockstar made a lot of decisions, mainly the pacing of the game, that would turn off a large number of players. My issue was how that guy used up a lot of space using too many words to get his point across just like my post probably is right now.
Long story short, I found a lot of his complaints to stem more from his own issues and less from the game. If you are mixing up controls after 100 hours or even 20 hours then that is more of a user error than a developer error. This game doesn't have a complex system of controls like an Arma or Escape from Tarkov. The controls are rather simple and the prompts come up to remind you constantly. If you are finding it too tedious to loot then skip it. If you are finding it too tedious too manage your weight then stop paying attention to that. Worrying about those things when the game is perfectly playable without worrying about them just means you are forcing yourself to not enjoy the game as much as you possibly could. Rockstar never forced you to really focus on looting outside a couple scripted moments. They never made you have to keep your weight in check. It is a lot like people that complain about crafting in games like The Witcher 3 or the entire series. If you really don't want to deal with crafting and alchemy then just set the settings up to allow yourself to skip it and move on. Complaining about game mechanics you are not forced to do is silly to me.
If this game made you watch your weight and looting was the only way to stay supplied then that would be one thing. The fact that both of those mechanics and many more can be ignored altogether makes it to where I can't take you too seriously if you are forcing yourself to do it and then complain about it. That's on you, not the developer at that point.