
The recipe for success: NCAA 13 Part 1

Posted 07-03-2011 at 02:27 AM by canes21
With the release of NCAA 12 just under 10 days away, many may view this blog as a bit premature and it might be. The truth is, though, that EA is already making plans, or is going to be very soon, about where to take NCAA 13. I feel that NCAA could really be the best in the series(including last gen) if they simply listened to the community.

Since most people will agree gameplay should always be the top priority, that is where I'll start. So what does NCAA 13 need to do on the field?...
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NCAA Football 11

Posted 04-23-2010 at 08:00 PM by canes21
I just don't see how people can say that NCAA 11 has not been a step forward from what we have seen. In years past on this gen, players could turn 90 degrees full speed with not penalty. This was unrealistic and felt cheesy.

Now, with this new locomotion, its been very evident from videos that this is no longer the case. Players now lean when turning and cannot turn on a dime. If you want to make a turn fast, your player has to cut and head in that direction. No longer are we stuck...
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