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Old 05-02-2019, 03:38 AM   #81
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Join Date: Apr 2016
Re: Circling Out --- Sprint Option For UFC 4

Originally Posted by aholbert32
I was going to stop replying to your comments but one thing stood out to me and so I had to respond.

What data do you have that supports that your position is the majority?

Serious question.

Let me make something clear. I love OS. I have been a member for almost 20 years. I was a mod and admin for years. I love what this site contributes to sports gaming.

As a member of OS for 2 decades has made me realize is that we are NEVER the majority. We are hardcore sim gamers who focus and obsess over everything that happens in the actual sport. Doesnt matter if its basketball, hockey, soccer, baseball or MMA.

Now that obsession is usually good for sports games. That obsession with realism typically makes better games but I've never been clueless enough to believe that the majority cares that much about what we obsess over.

Dont get it ****ed up. There are 30 plus people who post here regularly. That isnt the majority. That isnt a consensus. Just because 1212 or Haz_ agrees with something doesnt mean that the majority does or that your idea is something the majority wants. Same goes for any idea that I agree with.

As I said 8 HOURS AGO, if you are going to argue that something needs to be added or changed, the best approach is to get a clear consensus. Not the majority of people who post here. A group of people that includes OS but doenst consist only of OS.
Lol what. I don't mean I'm claiming I am the majority with all. In fact I was going by what you said by saying sim is majority on OS. I was replying to you talking about sim being the majority on OS. What's weirder is I asked you the same thing earlier..

Thanks for bringing that up, because it relates to another idea that has been ignored and that's official in game surveys and news section. A official consensus can be established.

The main point is there's many features that can be used offline but could be disabled for ranked and as a toggle for quick fight. Circling could also fall into this category (if it really comes to that), alongside things like doc stoppages, custom movesets, attires, more sliders, etc.

What there's for comp to oppose then, nothing will change in their field. Going further, your assumption that comp will still complain even with balanced circling ignores one more crucial thing... That punishing 'running' can become more effective, as it has become to punish body 1212. If comp really are bothered by 'running' that much... this is actually the opportunity for them to have fun and shut down 'running' with a stand up skill... something that can be even more effective combined with high level striking. GPD has said they wanted to find a way for better cage cutting. This is a way.

Finally, what about the idea of moving sprinting from double flick towards to L3? Set aside circling for a moment, we still have back and forward sprinting. So just click L3 and you can sprint back and forth in a more accessible way.

This has been a criticism by all.. you asked for consensus. I'd imagine all parties agree the double flick towards for sprinting is awkward. L3 is a more accessible and natural input. It would free up two inputs in the process the only input for stiff arm retreat and the double flick if actually used again.

What do you think about L3 as the input for sprinting? Since I have only been mentioned once by the devs and GCs in private while most my ideas are ignored because of my form- maybe consider this idea for sprinting.
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