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Old 06-28-2019, 07:54 PM   #2
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Re: Quick counts or 0-0 counts?

Originally Posted by markwatson12
Which do you prefer?
Quick count and why?
0-0 count and why?
Simple answer:

Out of all the different experiences in MLB The Show (and I do play them all), I enjoy the full game of baseball experience the most. Plus I find working the count (both as a pitcher and batter) to be the most vital part of both real life baseball and baseball video games. Ultimately contact off the bat (or lack of it) is what decides the outcome of baseball games, but the cat and mouse between the pitcher and batter it what sets all of that up. Without it I feel like the entire foundation of the game is missing.

I totally get the argument of why people enjoy quick counts though (most of it related to the length of time it takes to play an entire game.). Time isn't really a factor for me when I sit down to play a baseball game, though - when I'm playing seriously in franchise I have all the presentation elements on and games can take as long as an hour and a half - I just make sure I have more time than that to dedicate to playing. I spend twice as long as that watching real baseball anyway, so it's not really a big deal to me.
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