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Old 08-01-2019, 01:25 PM   #5
hhsrudy4's Arena
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Re: M19 Roster Conversion & M20 Roster Editor Workaround

Originally Posted by SGMRock
The Madden DB Editor 3.0 you included in your zip, is this actually an older version of the one redone by Stingray and elguapo?

At least going by the timestamps on the files it seems like the one you included is older?

I found some errors in your instructions I thought I would share as it threw me off a bit when I read them and my first conversion failed. Differences between cut and copy and correct shortcut key.
These 2 steps below.

Step 14 - Hold cntrl and shift buttons and then click the down arrow on your keyboard which will highlight that entire column except the contents in Row 1. Cut (Ctrl + C) the entire contents.

Step 15 - Scroll all the way to Column FN and FO. Now right click on the contents of Column FO Row 2. It should say "PVIS". Click on "insert copied cells". All other columns should line up and matching now except for FN is renamed from PHCL (Madden 19) to PLHS in Madden 20. The data below is all correct now it's just that column got renamed.

They should read like this for it to work right.

Step 14 - Hold cntrl and shift buttons and then click the down arrow on your keyboard which will highlight that entire column except the contents in Row 1. Cut (Ctrl + X) the entire contents.

Step 15 - Scroll all the way to Column FN and FO. Now right click on the contents of Column FO Row 2. It should say "PVIS". Click on "insert cut cells". All other columns should line up and matching now except for FN is renamed from PHCL (Madden 19) to PLHS in Madden 20. The data below is all correct now it's just that column got renamed.

Once I figured out that you are cutting and inserting the cut instead of copy and paste, the roster worked fine. Your instructions threw me off because you said cut in Step 14 but then use the copy shortcut CRTL+C, then in Step 15 you said to insert copied cell which makes Excel want to move the current cells over or down instead of inserting a cut over them and replacing them.

Was able to use the converted M19 roster then for an M20 cloud franchise and it imported fine and did a 10 year SIM without issue. Thanks for the work you did on this.
Hey great catch! I will get that updated and corrected! What's funny is I originally had the correct db editor but I seen V3.0 somewhere and assumed it was the most updated version, whoops! I'll get that fixed too.
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