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Old 08-23-2019, 04:53 PM   #37
Cardinal Sin
Cardinal Sin's Arena
OVR: 0
Join Date: Dec 2017
Re: Is it just me or is the pie chart just archetypes?

I don't get why we can't have "custom pies" which would be as straightfoward to code as allowing the user to input a percentage for each of the four categories. If someone wants to be 100% shooting, or 50/45/5 shooting/defense/finishing, or 25% in all four categories etc. I would say let them. That is unless the developers feel the categories are not balanced, and consequently people could exploit the game by choosing a very unbalanced build. If that is the case they need to realize it is their responsibility to make sure the game is balanced and make the appropriate adjustments

I have heard that there will be more pie selections available in the actual game, but I still think the pre-made pies (all this talk of pies is making me hungry) are too limiting. I do think it is obvious though why caps need to be in place for online modes, as everyone would make all-around superstars and there would be no diversity. For people who are purely offline players I can see the appeal though of uncapped builds.

I will say I like the badge implementation better in this year's game as it allows for better customization towards a particular play style which would be further helped if they allowed for custom pie charts.
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