Obviously, the toughest situation to convert. Inside the 5, I am looking to call plays that will hopefully clear a specific receiver open.
I-Slants, while motioning my TE out to the slot works fairly well. I usually throw to the Z (Gallup) as the TE going to the flat often clears this route quickly. If I read zone, or the DB is playing inside leverage, I audible to a fade and throw that to X receiver (Cooper).
Also, Bunch Z spot works pretty well here. The receiver will hesitate just a bit before beginning his route. Rather than wait for him to settle, I drill the ball right on him as soon as he starts running.
I haven't had a lot of success running from goal line personnel, but having Zeke is an advantage here and am able to run the ball fairly well from either base or nickel offenses.
I make an attempt to take shots at the end zone before I find myself in this situation. It's tough inside the 5, as it should be.