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Old 09-23-2019, 08:14 AM   #3
OVR: 0
Join Date: Jul 2017
Re: Post your personal CFM House Rules

Owner mode player here. This year my rules have morphed slightly.

1. In season I must pay starters at minimum an avg starters wage. I'll typically use the "player is in top x%" number to modify my offer to better reflect their worth to my team. A few years back, I found a chart with avg salaries, I think somewhere here on OS.

2. I must let at least 1 80+ OVR test FA per year.

3. Formerly, I'd only resign starters. However this year, with the new scouting system, I will resign anyone whose contract will end at 28 years old. Or that won't let them regress past 75 OVR by end of contract. For 2nd stringers, I offer the market value once. If they try to negotiate, I'll withdraw and try to resign them in the offseason.

4. I limit myself to 2 total trades in season. Offseason is unlimited.

I've got more written down somewhere, just not in front of me currently. These are the main ones.
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