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Old 12-13-2019, 05:22 PM   #22
OVR: 19
Join Date: Nov 2004
Blog Entries: 1
Re: How does the CPU know exactly when I am going to shoot the ball?

AI programming in is all about probability. Doesn't matter if its being used for programming games or of its used for determining outcomes in scientific experiments.

2k only probably uses the most basic variables to determine outcomes for certain things in a game, thus making it a bit predictable.

so when a gaming company says they use Ai, they are most likely truthful, cause they can't predict the outcome of user input.
input by user A in the post can generate x amount of outcomes. if it's hard coded, then the outcome would playout the same way every time with every player used.

that's the basic explanation I would guess

Last edited by tril; 12-13-2019 at 05:34 PM.
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