
How does the CPU know exactly when I am going to shoot the ball?

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Old 12-12-2019, 04:55 PM   #17
ForeverVersatile's Arena
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Re: How does the CPU know exactly when I am going to shoot the ball?

I started seeing this be more evident in 2K19 during a game when ai Rondo was gliding backwards as I spined off him with Westbrook. https://media.giphy.com/media/XzYJnj...BBln/giphy.gif

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Old 12-12-2019, 05:18 PM   #18
WarMMA's Arena
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Re: How does the CPU know exactly when I am going to shoot the ball?

Yup sad but true and this is what makes playing the CPU kinda cheesy....the fact that it's literally cheating in some areas. They know when your going to do mostly everything and will contest perfectly majority of the time. All you can do is make sure to take advantage of when it falls for a fake or two. There's a bit of things the CPU is unfair/cheats with tbh.
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Old 12-13-2019, 04:30 PM   #19
wrestlinggod1's Arena
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Re: How does the CPU know exactly when I am going to shoot the ball?

To piggyback off of OP, does the CPU know when a shot is going to be missed? Look at these clips and tell me what you guys notice.

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Old 12-13-2019, 04:48 PM   #20
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Re: How does the CPU know exactly when I am going to shoot the ball?

Originally Posted by wrestlinggod1
To piggyback off of OP, does the CPU know when a shot is going to be missed? Look at these clips and tell me what you guys notice.
Maybe I'm not noticing something in those clips?
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Old 12-13-2019, 04:58 PM   #21
wrestlinggod1's Arena
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Re: How does the CPU know exactly when I am going to shoot the ball?

After shooting the ball, I switched to Bam Adebayo on each of those shots. The only time I got boxed out was when the shot was missed. Both times the shots were made, I had a free run to the basket. Obviously, this was only three shots because I wasn't going to record the whole game.
During my time playing 2K, I've noticed that anytime I go for a rebound and am met with resistance, it's going to be a miss. Anytime I go for a rebound and am free to move, the shot is going in.
But can you guys try it out and see what happens? Shoot the ball, switch to another player, go for a rebound. Do you only get boxed out on misses?

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Not bringing this up to bash 2K. Just want to know if anyone else is experiencing the same

Go MIAMI Teams!!

Last edited by wrestlinggod1; 12-13-2019 at 06:00 PM.
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Old 12-13-2019, 05:22 PM   #22
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Re: How does the CPU know exactly when I am going to shoot the ball?

AI programming in is all about probability. Doesn't matter if its being used for programming games or of its used for determining outcomes in scientific experiments.

2k only probably uses the most basic variables to determine outcomes for certain things in a game, thus making it a bit predictable.

so when a gaming company says they use Ai, they are most likely truthful, cause they can't predict the outcome of user input.
input by user A in the post can generate x amount of outcomes. if it's hard coded, then the outcome would playout the same way every time with every player used.

that's the basic explanation I would guess

Last edited by tril; 12-13-2019 at 05:34 PM.
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Old 12-14-2019, 03:45 PM   #23
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Re: How does the CPU know exactly when I am going to shoot the ball?

I have a feeling this comment is going to get dismissed as the common opinion is vastly contrary then my experience.

I feel like when I run a play, get the defense out of position and they are scrambling, I can get the CPU to bite on my fakes. My fakes mainly include pump fakes, but I am referring to jab steps and pass fakes. I enjoy it because that’s realistic — defense usually gets sloppy and risky when they are scrambling. I can draw fouls, explode past them ect ect.

If the defense is set and isn’t scrambling to recover, they rarely bite on my fakes at all. I think the depth in how the integrated how/why the CPU jumps on fakes is really nicely done. You just have to get the D outta position first with a few off screens ect.

I do wish they would react more to passfakes.
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Old 12-14-2019, 04:25 PM   #24
Ragnar53's Arena
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Re: How does the CPU know exactly when I am going to shoot the ball?

Originally Posted by wrestlinggod1
After shooting the ball, I switched to Bam Adebayo on each of those shots. The only time I got boxed out was when the shot was missed. Both times the shots were made, I had a free run to the basket. Obviously, this was only three shots because I wasn't going to record the whole game.
During my time playing 2K, I've noticed that anytime I go for a rebound and am met with resistance, it's going to be a miss. Anytime I go for a rebound and am free to move, the shot is going in.
But can you guys try it out and see what happens? Shoot the ball, switch to another player, go for a rebound. Do you only get boxed out on misses?

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Not bringing this up to bash 2K. Just want to know if anyone else is experiencing the same
It's always been this way. The only way this gets combatted is if you have a superior rebounding big man, in which case the ball will teleport to his hands regardless of the boxout attempt.
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