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Old 02-24-2020, 09:18 AM   #9
PhillyPhanatic14's Arena
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Join Date: Jun 2015
Re: A Two Year Development Cycle

I don't think it would work because of the amount of the game that is outdated. Every time there is a feature request the answer is that the current system is too old to update or add onto. Just this week the answer given for why custom playbooks don't have access to the new Live Playbook plays is that the old system is full and would have to be rebuilt.

If you had two separate studios dealing with a ton of outdated stuff and a company like EA that only cares about the money then nothing would ever get done.

For us to get the game we want it has nothing to do with more time or a 2 year release. EA would have to dig into their precious madden profits and start investing the profits back into the game. That's clearly not going to happen lol but that's what it would take. For the amount of money that this game makes there should be a team of 200 devs working on it year-round, not 40 or whatever the current amount is... They released a picture of the staff about a year ago and i was shocked at how few people were on the team in relation to the amount of money this game brings in.
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