
A Two Year Development Cycle

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Old 02-24-2020, 09:18 AM   #9
PhillyPhanatic14's Arena
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Re: A Two Year Development Cycle

I don't think it would work because of the amount of the game that is outdated. Every time there is a feature request the answer is that the current system is too old to update or add onto. Just this week the answer given for why custom playbooks don't have access to the new Live Playbook plays is that the old system is full and would have to be rebuilt.

If you had two separate studios dealing with a ton of outdated stuff and a company like EA that only cares about the money then nothing would ever get done.

For us to get the game we want it has nothing to do with more time or a 2 year release. EA would have to dig into their precious madden profits and start investing the profits back into the game. That's clearly not going to happen lol but that's what it would take. For the amount of money that this game makes there should be a team of 200 devs working on it year-round, not 40 or whatever the current amount is... They released a picture of the staff about a year ago and i was shocked at how few people were on the team in relation to the amount of money this game brings in.
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Old 02-24-2020, 10:26 AM   #10
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Re: A Two Year Development Cycle

Originally Posted by Rayzaa
Not sure it would matter if the NFL wont allow the game to have certain things. However, for the sake of just fixing things that havent been fixed in 3 years, yes another team should certainly get a shot.

Id be all for having another team have a crack at Madden than having Tiburon do it. They just dont seem to get it right.
I honestly don't know if I buy into the "the NFL won't allow it narrative." For instance... the "NFL won't allow more relocation cities." I heard that somewhere and it just doesn't make any sense. The NFL thinks that users creating the Nebraska Corndogs will really hurt their product yet the Dublin Celtic Tigers is ok? Nah...

I don't even buy into the whole narrative about the NFL wanting exclusivity. The NFL (and the NFLPA) make more money by having three companies pay $5M (or whatever it is) as opposed to one company paying $3M (or whatever it is) and we all know the NFL is all about the dollar.

EA has been the one to say the NFL wants exclusivity but I have never read anything directly from the NFL saying that's what they want.

So when EA tells me that "the NFL won't allow it" I have to take that w/ a grain of salt... it is a good excuse for not getting anything done.
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Old 02-24-2020, 10:52 AM   #11
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Re: A Two Year Development Cycle

Originally Posted by Godgers12
Do you guys think that a two year development cycle would work for Madden? I'm not talking about releasing the game every two years, because let's face it EA is all about their coin and would never agree to something like that. Nevertheless, what I'm referring to is something similar to what Activision does with CoD. Bring in another development team, so you have two different teams working on different games at the same time. For instance one would be working on Madden 21 and the other would be working on 22.

I honestly think if we had a two year cycle such as this, the finished product would be so much better, and each game would feel fresh and new, as you would have two differing visions working in unison. Just something I think would be beneficial for all involved...


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The major problem you're going to have is continuity. It is very difficult to pick up where someone else left off. Team 1 will implement a new passing system and in the next year's game, Team 2 has to improve on the passing system as well as do their own thing. That's not an easy task.
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Old 02-24-2020, 11:02 AM   #12
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Re: A Two Year Development Cycle

Originally Posted by kennylc321
I honestly don't know if I buy into the "the NFL won't allow it narrative." For instance... the "NFL won't allow more relocation cities." I heard that somewhere and it just doesn't make any sense. The NFL thinks that users creating the Nebraska Corndogs will really hurt their product yet the Dublin Celtic Tigers is ok? Nah...

I don't even buy into the whole narrative about the NFL wanting exclusivity. The NFL (and the NFLPA) make more money by having three companies pay $5M (or whatever it is) as opposed to one company paying $3M (or whatever it is) and we all know the NFL is all about the dollar.

EA has been the one to say the NFL wants exclusivity but I have never read anything directly from the NFL saying that's what they want.

So when EA tells me that "the NFL won't allow it" I have to take that w/ a grain of salt... it is a good excuse for not getting anything done.
Since you joined in 2018, I don't think you were around when a former EA employee explained things pretty clearly at the onset of the exclusive license.

This is as further down the rabbit hole this discussion will enter because it's the beating of the dead horse syndrome and threads become closed and people become banned in the past. It's been pretty good the last few years as far as discussions go.

The NFL, by going exclusive, made more off of one company, EA, than all 4 or 5 companies combined. And by the way, the NFL Players Union also chimed in a few years ago and stated they have a strong relationship with EA. This relationship is now 15 years strong on the business end of things.

So, to keep things simple, let's say all of those companies had a million dollar licensing fee to pay the NFL. The NFL eliminated all of the companies except EA and charged EA 100 million licensing fee. I'm keeping the figures simple to save time.

You don't have to buy anything, but, it is what it is. The NFL, for the most part, has a exclusive licensing business model across the board.

Last edited by roadman; 02-24-2020 at 11:47 AM.
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Old 02-24-2020, 01:31 PM   #13
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Re: A Two Year Development Cycle

Originally Posted by roadman
Since you joined in 2018, I don't think you were around when a former EA employee explained things pretty clearly at the onset of the exclusive license.

This is as further down the rabbit hole this discussion will enter because it's the beating of the dead horse syndrome and threads become closed and people become banned in the past. It's been pretty good the last few years as far as discussions go.

The NFL, by going exclusive, made more off of one company, EA, than all 4 or 5 companies combined. And by the way, the NFL Players Union also chimed in a few years ago and stated they have a strong relationship with EA. This relationship is now 15 years strong on the business end of things.

So, to keep things simple, let's say all of those companies had a million dollar licensing fee to pay the NFL. The NFL eliminated all of the companies except EA and charged EA 100 million licensing fee. I'm keeping the figures simple to save time.

You don't have to buy anything, but, it is what it is. The NFL, for the most part, has a exclusive licensing business model across the board.
Thanks for not giving a smart !@#$ response!! (Like I would have)

It just seems really odd that the NFL would initiate this when they are all about the money. And of course, the timing... for this to come about just when 2k was giving EA a serious run for their money.

And ok, fine... the NFL was onboard... but for the NFLPA, who-- and let's be honest-- has the weakest player union and are always talking about how underpaid they are to buy into this as well. Hmm... very suspicious.

And 15 years later (seriously cannot believe it's been that long) for neither party to realize they would make more money with more licenses. Hmm.

But thanks for your insight.
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Old 02-24-2020, 01:42 PM   #14
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Re: A Two Year Development Cycle

Originally Posted by kennylc321
Thanks for not giving a smart !@#$ response!! (Like I would have)

It just seems really odd that the NFL would initiate this when they are all about the money. And of course, the timing... for this to come about just when 2k was giving EA a serious run for their money.

And ok, fine... the NFL was onboard... but for the NFLPA, who-- and let's be honest-- has the weakest player union and are always talking about how underpaid they are to buy into this as well. Hmm... very suspicious.

And 15 years later (seriously cannot believe it's been that long) for neither party to realize they would make more money with more licenses. Hmm.

But thanks for your insight.
You are missing the point. The are making MORE money by licensing only to EA because they are charging a much larger price BECAUSE the license is exclusive. If they started to license to other companies, they'd have to significantly lower the amount they charge EA.

Also, while you say the NFL never explicitly came out and said they wanted exclusivity but they have exclusive agreements with many partners in different domains.
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Old 02-24-2020, 01:45 PM   #15
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Re: A Two Year Development Cycle

Originally Posted by mercalnd
You are missing the point. The are making MORE money by licensing only to EA because they are charging a much larger price BECAUSE the license is exclusive. If they started to license to other companies, they'd have to significantly lower the amount they charge EA.

Also, while you say the NFL never explicitly came out and said they wanted exclusivity but they have exclusive agreements with many partners in different domains.
Thank you.
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Old 02-24-2020, 02:20 PM   #16
kehlis's Arena
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Re: A Two Year Development Cycle

Originally Posted by kennylc321
Thanks for not giving a smart !@#$ response!! (Like I would have)

It just seems really odd that the NFL would initiate this when they are all about the money. And of course, the timing... for this to come about just when 2k was giving EA a serious run for their money.

And ok, fine... the NFL was onboard... but for the NFLPA, who-- and let's be honest-- has the weakest player union and are always talking about how underpaid they are to buy into this as well. Hmm... very suspicious.

And 15 years later (seriously cannot believe it's been that long) for neither party to realize they would make more money with more licenses. Hmm.

But thanks for your insight.

On top of money, there is one other thing they like more than anything else.

They love control and by having an exclusive agreement, they have total control over the game. (What can go in, what can’t etc....)
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