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Old 03-05-2020, 08:08 PM   #19
MetsFan16's Arena
OVR: 4
Join Date: Nov 2011
Re: MLB The Show 20 Gameplay Video - 41 Minutes of March to October Mode (IGN)

I did enjoy MTO while waiting for OSFM to drop last year. I won the WS with the Mets and Brewers and then lost in the wild card game with the Reds.

It was a fun way to get through a season full of highs and lows and intense moments throughout.

I like the changes they made for ‘20. The biggest is the improved situations they’ll drop you in. It felt like a grind being thrown into the 6th inning. I’m expecting these new situations to be engaging, intense and rewarding. They did say they’ll still be the No on No out start of an inning games but not often. This will make the season go by faster and I will be able to do it with more teams I’m interested in.

The trades and callups are a nice touch. It will be better having a little more control over the direction of the trades you receive instead of it being random and you praying to the show gods to send you an offer for a 2B. And the callups will help keep the rosters fresh and actually allow you to use real life prospects who are expected to make an impact this year be apart of your MTO unlike last year.

Though I do agree that new trade hub must be in franchise mode
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