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Old 03-15-2020, 08:49 AM   #23
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Re: Official NHL 20 Feedback + Requests Form

Originally Posted by nikethebike
And that's because it's generally and probably true. A hockey fan has no other option so if you want to buy a hockey game, you buy what they release. In the long run they will alienate some core fans though as we are experiencing...

The next problem is the amount of resources needed to produce a modern game and the size of the pool of potential buyers. Remember like every business it's all about making money. Sadly... The number of hockey fans in the world is also low compared to sports like football/soccer so it sounds reasonable that they try to expand that pool by putting out something that they think might attract people outside of the pool in order to make money. And that tend to be arcade action packed stuff... Generally...

That and micro transactions does kind of make sense from a business perspective.

Until there are options that the fanbase will actually pursuit so that it is noticed in sales, they will keep doing it this way, I guess. They will throw in a bone or two each year - I'm pretty sure they still don't want to disappoint the core fans too much - but never concentrate only on the real hockey fans as like you said, they have them already.

This along with the modification possibilities and playing on PC is why I fully support your 2KHS work DJNEO. It's the best alternative.

What I do still not understand though, is why they still leave out the PC market. There are hockey fans that would buy the game as is if it was on PC and steam. Unless it's still the piracy card...
Well, I would be surprised if EA don't release the "nextgen" version of NHL on PCs, which is NHL 21?

But I'm still surprised that a man that knows so little about hockey can be in charge of it all so... who knows how that all ends.
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