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Old 03-16-2020, 03:09 PM   #18
OVR: 2
Join Date: Nov 2005
Re: Offline DD Players - so far it's a blast

Originally Posted by shark547
It works best to surround your base with at least one all around. Then head south or north.

Only put numbers in to spots to keep them even with the computer spots. or at most one spot under. So if the computer puts 2 on a space adjacent to yours put 2 in.

Steal for the first few rounds to get an advantage. Make sure you steal from teams that are closer to you first so they can't expand as quickly.

Once you get to the south work clockwise or counter clockwise.

Losing spots can help you some times as long as they don't get to your base. The computer like to blow it's wad so you can usually just load up a spot and take all of them back the next turn and then the computer wasted a bunch of numbers.

After the first 3 or 4 rounds you can pretty much start building up spots to simulate and take over territory. I usually only attack if I get high for probability, but, if you are in a good spot you can chance mediums. You really get tortured for that some times. Getting to the edge of the map and then working around in one direction seems to work on all most all maps.

Thanks! I ended up getting through it late Saturday night by just being aggressive. I did I not protect anything and just went after the strongholds.
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