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Old 03-23-2020, 08:51 PM   #23
papadell's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2019
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Re: Offline DD Players - so far it's a blast

Not really. You can use it in Events right now (kinda) and Ranked Seasons. That's it. You can do Play vs CPU and grind innings and stats and have them count. You can use it in Extra Innings, where you play CPU controlled DD teams from other people but those games don't count for anything.

It took them until the end of summer last year I think to add the Sig Team stuff and even then you had limited time to use your DD team.

They really need to add more DD related stuff to do. Said it last year but an offline, RS style "gauntlet" where you play against the CPU and earn rewards and stuff would be awesome. Make it a repeatable thing like Conquest and maybe even scale rewards for increased difficulties or something.

I hardly ever want to play online because of the lag, toxic community and the BS gameplay we have to deal with. If I was able to use my DD team offline in a meaningful way it wouldn't make all the bad stuff feel so bad when there is a good escape option.
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