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Old 04-14-2020, 06:57 PM   #7
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canes21's Arena
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Re: Was bored and did some testing of how fast a 100mph fastball really is in the gam

I applaud OP for his efforts, and I don't mean to ask this to downplay any of his research, but are there any other methods besides counting frames that could feasibly be done to measure the pitch speeds? I know I asked this in the last pitch speeds thread that showed the umpire camera, but I'm trying to brainstorm and see if there are any ways to measure the pitch speeds so we can get our information to become even more accurate.

I guess one method to be more accurate would be to measure the frames through a stream that is more than 30fps. I'm not sure if the PS4 outputs streams to YouTube and Twitch at higher rates than 30, but I imagine there are users here with capture cards that could potentially be more accurate with their measurements.

It would be really interesting to nail these speeds down because I am all about getting them as accurate as possible from a sliders standpoint. Obviously going 10 on the speed slider will get you closest to a real life fastball speed in game, but would it ultimately be more accurate to have breaking pitches at 8 out of 10? That is the kind of question these tests could answer for us.
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